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Mineralized Kids: Part 3

by: M.J.O. Velasquez

“Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3

We are in the eleventh month of the year. How are you all doing? I hope everything is going well.

In the last article, I wrote about the mineralized kids who are part of the VER1REV Enterprises Corporation family. Since conception, they were supplied with daily mineralized water, and up to this day, they continue to do so. I hope you have read their wonderful testimonials.

I would like to continue to promote mineralized water-purified drinking water supplemented with IONIQUE Mineral Drops. I will explain how its regular intake since birth helped maintain health and how its intake affects the children’s daily lives.

The first testimonial is from Mrs. Riza Campos. Her daughter Shams was 9 months old when she was operated on due to a mass on her neck. When the biopsy result came, the couple did not expect the result to be neuroblastoma Stage 4. Neuroblastoma is a rare cancer that develops in nerve tissue. It usually affects kids under age 5. The oncologist informed Mrs. Riza that Shams would only have six months to live after surgery and so, she needed to undergo chemotherapy. Because she was too young and there was no assurance that she would recover from chemotherapy, her parents decided that they would not subject her to chemotherapy. Instead, they searched for other options for management such as alternative medicine.

It was then that one of their friends introduced Dr. Rhen to them. Dr. Rhen is the Medical Director of VER1REV Enterprises Corporation. After consulting him, they immediately began the regimen utilizing purified drinking water supplemented with IONIQUE CMD. She began taking IONIQUE Mineral Drops at eight drops a day. The parents were also strictly instructed to feed her vegetables only and to bring Sham for her regular follow-up check-ups on a monthly basis. Praise God that Shams survived her ordeal and she is now seven years old.

Mrs. Riza continued to administer IONIQUE Mineral Drops to Shams despite her amazing recovery. It helped her during bouts of viral infections like colds. It also helped her helped improve her academic performance in school. Today, she takes 24 drops a day or eight drops thrice a day. They will be forever grateful for IONIQUE Mineral Drops because she remains very much alive despite the declaration of her oncologist that she will only have a very short life because of her disease during her infancy. The concept also helped manage her fever, colds, or cough very effectively. Mrs. Riza does not give her any medicine, vitamins, or milk per the advice of Dr. Rhen. The mineralized water truly boosts the immune system and makes her smarter and more intelligent too. Her teacher told me that her performance in school is exemplary. This makes us happy because she is one of the achievers in school. She does not require tutoring. Mrs. Riza would just get surprised that Shams is knowledgeable of a topic already even if I haven’t taught it to her yet.

Mrs. Riza is so grateful to God, Dr. Rhen, and to IONIQUE Mineral Drops. It has been part of their family for almost six years now. They hope that the concept will be able to help many sick people.

Another testimonial is from the parents of Rheana Olea. She was born with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD). G6PD deficiency is an inherited condition. It is when the body doesn’t have enough of an enzyme called G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). This enzyme helps red blood cells work properly. A lack of this enzyme can cause hemolytic anemia. This is when the red blood cells break down faster than they are made.

When Rheana was diagnosed with G6PD, the parents were warned that she could not take any food or medication because once it is contraindicated, this will cause complications of severe anemia. Some items include aspirin and products that contain aspirin, certain antibiotics, legumes, soybeans, peanuts, peas, fava beans, foods with artificial dyes, and mothballs. Thus, the family considered IONIQUE Mineral Drops as a blessing from Heaven because IONIQUE Mineral Drops have therapeutic properties such as pain reliever, antipyretic, and antibiotics. The parents have not to worry about what medications to administer when Rheana gets ill. Since the family learned about IONIQUE Mineral Drops, they were assured that Rheana would have a safer normal life. “Mineralized water” is the only remedy that heals her whenever she gets sick. Because of that, for a period of more than two years, they only seek Dr. Rhen’s medical expertise every time Rheana encounters health problems.

Another testimony is that of Kurt Casil. His parents administered “mineralized water” since he was one year of age. He was suffering from bronchial asthma then. It was only the “mineralized water” that healed him. The dose of IONIQUE Mineral Drops he took then was five drops thrice a day. He still uses IONIQUE Mineral Drops to maintain his health. He also takes Elete to hydrate him better when biking. With Elete, he has better stamina and does not get tired easily.

Truly, reading their testimonials brings joy and excitement about the amazing health benefits of taking “mineralized water” most especially when taken at a very young age, infancy. It not only helped manage their illnesses but also helped prevent them from getting sick. “Mineralized water” also helped improve their cognitive functions as they also excelled in school.

These stories give proof of the vital and critical roles played by proper hydration and regular mineral supplementation in health and wellness and the development of a child’s physical and mental growth. “Mineralized water” is an excellent health remedy for health crises in children most especially when administered at the earliest age, during conception, and continued as the child ages. I hope that their testimonials will provide you with better awareness and understanding of how to maintain and improve your child’s healthy life by leaning on natural health.

Stay tuned for Part 4 in the next health article.

Thank you!

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

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