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It is the month of December and with it, fast comes the end of the year. It is this part of the year when we look back of what had transpired through the year. We become very much elated and grateful when our goals for the year had been achieved and we heartily enjoy the fruits of the perseverance and determination we put to attain success. If we failed, we should have learned vital lessons to become more critical in the decisions that we make to achieve success in the future.

At this moment, I would like to praise and glorify God first. His steadfast love and guidance had always helped me remain focused on the mission He has given me – to ease the physical sufferings of my brethren. He had provided with His divine wisdom and adopt a more natural approach in disease management that after more than a decade of its practice, I have incredibly witnessed the amazing health effects of my concept of “Tubig at mga Mineral: Sagot sa Kalusugan!” (Water and Minerals: Solution to Good Health!)

I learned of the astounding health benefits of drinking water only 25 years ago when a parent of my patient introduced me to a water business. This made me aware that correcting the major component of what the human body is composed of will provide almost perfect health. I also learned that water without its mineral content creates an acidic and dead water and so, drinking sufficient volume of demineralized water (water without minerals or electrolytes) does not properly hydrate the body and results to diseases.

At this point, I extend my most sincere gratitude to the Anderson and MRI Families for providing us with products that contain the world’s most powerful, 100 percent natural, food-grade sourced, ionic health-giving minerals. Without them, our bodies will frequently suffer from this nutrient deficiency that will result to various diseases that cannot be resolved utilizing various pharmaceutical products.

The discovery of Concentrated Mineral Drops began in 1968, when the founder, Mr. Hartley Anderson read a series of newspaper articles written by Dr. George W. Crane entitled “The Ocean’s 44 Antidotes for Deficiency Ailments” and “Trace Chemicals Essential to the Body.” These articles provided astonishing information that caught the interest of Mr. Hartley. He learned about the amazing results people were receiving from drinking small amounts of seawater each day. This led him to research the Great Salt Lake, an inland sea located near his residence. He discovered that the Great Salt Lake did not only contain the same minerals and balance discussed by Dr. Crane but that the brine was much more concentrated than regular sea water. With this thought, Mr. Hartley knew there was a vital need for mineral supplementation thus, this idea inspired him to create a potent and effective mineral supplement. It was not until Mr. Hartley had tried his discovery himself and had witnessed numerous breathtaking results from his family and friends that he established a company to cater to the mineral needs of people.

In 1968, Mr. Hartley and his wife, Gaye, began selling Inland Sea Water™ to the public. Through the years, they were able to improve the product creating and, later, introducing the liquid, low-sodium, mineral and trace mineral complex known as the Anderson’s CMD (Concentrated Mineral Drops). Because of the demand of its product, Mineral Resources International (MRI) was established in 1990. MRI is a family-owned and operated business, well into its third generation. With the mission to improve global well-being through mineral nutrition, it has reached various countries worldwide. The company takes pride in the laborious manufacturing process to concentrate and harvest the minerals spanning at least two years before the minerals meet the exact specifications for concentration, balance, purity, completeness, etc. Created with labor of love, the minerals are fully tested and constantly monitored to meet the strict standards specified in the Certificate of Analysis and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The product also passed the U.S. Food Chemicals Codex standards for heavy metal safety. It also has the certifications of Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS), current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), Islamic Halal and Jewish K-Kosher, American Vegetarian Association (AVA) and the company’s more than 50 years existence in the dietary supplement industry.

With all these qualities, I have confidently and consistently prescribed IONIQUE Mineral Drops, Elemental Selenium and Elemental Zinc and Copper, all manufactured by MRI, to my patients and I have witnessed astonishing results. People have recovered from diabetes, hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, chronic kidney failure, various infectious diseases such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, pneumonia, acne, abscess, urinary tract infection, kidney stones, pyelonephritis, bone fractures, gallstones, and many more.

Adopting to my new medical paradigm, utilizing purified drinking water and MRI Mineral Drops, I have made numerous physically suffering individuals enjoy life again. I have also made people express more love to the people who they almost lost. I did all these without the use of a single synthetic pharmaceutical product but utilizing God’s creations He provided for us to live a happy, healthy and fruitful life.

Once again, with a very grateful heart and from the very depths of my heart, thank you Anderson and MRI Family! Your mission of providing global well-being through mineral nutrition is highly appreciated! You have granted hope to the hopeless and comfort to those who were in pain for a very prolonged period. May the good Lord be with you always!



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