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by Mary Jane O. Velasquez

“Don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need.” Hebrews 13:16

Last December 30, 2021, VER1REV Enterprise conducted an outreach program with a theme “IONIQUE Gift Giving: Caring Most Dearly” to the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP). It was participated by the President, Dr. Vernie C. Opalla, medical director, Dr. Renato U. Paragas, and the VER1REV Naga Branch family

It was around 8:30 in the morning when the youth and elderly of the missionary gathered in their event hall to celebrate their Christmas party. One of the brothers that serve in the missionary, Brother Antras, introduced the guests and started the program with an opening prayer.

After that, Ms. Angie Daquis, the general manager of VER1REV Enterprise, took over the center and hosted the program. She facilitated the games that were participated by everyone, regardless of their disabilities. In a room of full of wonder, every person was filled with excitement and joy as they participated in the games, dancing through the music “Budotz” in a stop dance game and trip to Jerusalem, and sharing their talented voices by singing. One of the highlight games of the event was pronouncing the word “IONIQUE” for as long as the challenger can while holding a 60 ml bottle of IONIQUE CMD. It was astonishing to witness that the winner held the word by 17 seconds!

It was a precious moment to witness the brothers, staff, and some of the beneficiaries dancing to Goya Goya, an Indonesian song, while sharing smiles with each other and radiating a simple yet warm bond between all of them.

It was also memorable because not only did the audience participated and gave their performance level but also the brothers and staff of the Missionaries of the Poor danced, including the organizers of the gift giving, the VER1REV family. The event concluded with giving prizes to the winners and offering them food.

VER1REV Enterprise gives back to their community as the year ends annually. On December 2020, the said company gave gifts personally to the children of the Compassionate Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, Inc. It was a fond sight to see the giddy smiles of the children. In the previous years, VER1REV conducts a year-end activity to their leaders and members.

With the 2020 and 2021 gift giving activities, it always struck our hearts when the beneficiaries show their beautiful smiles and voluntarily hugs us tight because they are thankful for the gifts they received. Here in the VER1REV family, we believe that these gifts did not come from us, but came from Him. We are happy and grateful to serve out our mission of providing a more natural approach and maintenance to wholesome health for mankind.

In this first page of chapter 1 in the year of our Lord 2022, let us be more compassionate and willing towards the people that need us the most. May we serve the Lord by giving back towards the community. VER1REV Enterprise wishes you all a fruitful and healthy happy new year! May you never forget to always drink water and IONIQUE CMD as you brace another year filled with opportunities, hope, and love.

“As each one received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10


I – Instills the Lord’s way of helping one another;

S – Seeks the traditional approach towards health and shares it;

T – Trusts that water and minerals are the key to prevention of diseases;

H – Has used the Tubig at Mga Mineral concept against SARS CoV-2 virus and mutated forms for protection;

A – Anchors their faith in the Lord in everything that they do;

N – Naturally shares the spirit of giving, kindness, and love towards every person;

K – Keeps their family closer as a family that is strong in health;

F – Free themselves from toxicity that destroys health and the temple of God;

U – Ultimately shows heartfelt gratefulness to the Lord through monthly feast sessions;

L – Loves and values the Lord and His mission for them to share the good news that wholesome health has always been achievable by prioritizing complete nutrition and doing away with acidic foods, more so in 2022.



Subscribe to our Youtube Channel "IONIQUE MINERALS PHILIPPINES" for more Tubig at mga Mineral Videos.

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