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Updated: May 16, 2020

by Mary Jane O. Velasquez

F - From the day this pandemic started,

R - Remember that this fight

O - Outwits some of the best and

N - Neglects the ordinary of the world.

T - Today marks the chapter in our lives that to

L - Love is the most beautiful thing in the universe.

I - Inexplicably portrayed by you who

N - Never quitted the fight and

E - Endlessly helped humanity to

R - Rise up, and in your own ways,

S - Save the world;

T - This message is for you, the front liners.

H - Helpless as we may seem, yet you are there to

A - Act with bravery and might, despite all the consequences to you;

N - Never have you shown remorse on saving humanity;

K - Knowing all the risks of helping,

Y - You still stand, sharing and giving all your abilities to save.

O - Our love is showered upon you, praying to God always for your safety, and

U - Ultimately, we give you our deepest gratitude. Thank you!

Looking at another prospect of man, we are driven in life by our dreams. We've set our minds to what we wanted to achieve in life since childhood. We dreamt of achieving high class professions, of which are options like those that treat patients, discover scientific breakthroughs, protect the people, or provide the news for us daily. Doctors. Nurses. Scientists. Policemen. Journalists. Through the course of our growth, we also took notice of the hard works from people who supply our food by farming, those that keep our surroundings clean, the ones who make fresh bread for us every day, the ones who assist with our groceries, and the people who deliver our orders and food. Farmers. Janitors. Sales Ladies. Bakers. Deliverymen/Couriers. Being inspired to help people and give humanity a hope, the volunteers are also present in our world. And there is also a stance where we dreamt of equality in our society. After all, the most important label that we should value is that "we are made to the image and likeness of God". True enough, that dream we are now looking at, seemed to have come true. We now look at doctors, nurses, policemen, farmers, janitors, sales ladies, bakers, deliverymen and volunteers as one, the front liners, the heroes on the start of this decade, year 2020.

These frontliners deserve our gratitude for helping humanity survive this pandemic, the COVID-19.

The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, once said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." The frontliners are the heroes of reality, but are they really not susceptible to the COVID-19, as "heroes"? The truth is, they are. They are also comprised of human bodies, able to get tired and sick once overworked or have encountered a foreign body inside their system. According to Dr. Renato U. Paragas, the medical director of VER1REV Enterprise, there are two reasons why the human body gets sick and encounter various diseases: (1) The lack of essential nutrients and (2) The excess of toxins in the body. To elaborate on his concept, Dr. Paragas emphasizes the six (6) essential nutrients that our body needs in order to achieve wholesome health. These six (6) essential nutrients are: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. If we observe what we eat in three (3) meals each day, carbohydrates are always present in the rice or bread, proteins are found in the pork/beef or fish that we eat, in which fats are also present, and the vitamins are abundantly found in vegetables and fruits. What about water and the minerals? Yes, we may say that we are drinking water after our meals or when we get thirsty, but is it enough to supply the various systems? No, we always take it for granted, never realizing the essence of water in our lives, which is 70% of our body. In a generalized manner, only a few minerals are contained in vegetables and fruits, but we aren't aware of how much our body requires, what specific minerals we should take, and what health effects they bring to our internal body. Now that our water and minerals are compromised, we still eat and drink a lot of man-made foods and tend to overload our body with toxins. This is why diseases arise, or in this time of pandemic, COVID-19 attacks our bodies. The sad realization about this is, our frontliners may be fully equipped and prepared with PPEs, but they are incredibly weakened internally. This is why it is very important to "let our food be our medicine, and medicine be our food".

Dr. Paragas also stated, "Let water and minerals, the magnificent, life-sustaining creations of God, be the answers to your fervent prayers for health and healing." To the frontliners and everyone reading this, we should always drink water enough to supply our whole internal systems, with proper hydration, which is the formula of 50 ml/kg/day. Along with an adequate supply of water, we should put IONIQUE® Concentrated Mineral Drops (IONIQUE® CMD), with a dose of 20 drops four times a day to boost our immune system more naturally. Every drop of IONIQUE® CMD contains 72 macro- and trace minerals that are vital for every physiological processes of our human body. Dr. Gary Price Todd, author of “Nutrition, Health and Disease” declared: “The human body needs at least 60 trace minerals in order to maintain a disease- and illness-free state.

Remember, Hippocrates also said, "The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it." Before we offer our help to humanity and risk our lives, we should first equip ourselves with wholesome health, so that diseases will never be welcomed in our body and never make us resort to medicine and hospitalization. Natural health is always the key.

As Dr. Tim O’Shea, author of “The Doctor Within” cited: “Healthy people do not get sick…ever!”

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